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The TDM is a member of the Heron Nature Museum Society

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Glass Frog

Did you know that the glass frog has a transparent underside, this means you can see what it had for dinner. Also  the males sometimes eat their children!
Picture from the News Chronicle

The TDM Team

Saturday, 21 May 2011

The Kakapo

You may have been reading about the Kakapo on "Another Chance To See" (a blog I found a few days back) but I thought it would be useful to know a little bit more about it. It is a large, flightless, nocturnal parrot found in New Zealand.  They are critically endangered on the IUCN Red List. They can weigh between 2 and 4 kilograms at maturity. Unlike other land birds the Kakapo can store large amounts of energy in the form of body-fat. It also has a fantastic sense  of smell which is perfect for it's nocturnal lifestyle. Thats a little bit of info for you!

The TDM Team

Thursday, 19 May 2011

Grey Seals

Did you know that half the worlds population of grey seals live in Britain?

If you have any more Grey Seal facts feel free to tell the world by commenting!

The TDM Team

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Conservation Blog

While surfing the net we found a brilliant blog called "Another Chance To See." The blog describes it as 

"Endangered animals news for Last Chance To See by Douglas Adams, Mark Carwardine and Stephen Fry"

Have a look, its really good!

The TDM Team

How many teeth?

The great white shark may use or lose more than 1000 teeth during its life time!

The TDM Team

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Clown Fish

Clown fish hide in sea anemones, as you probably know sea anemones sting and contain poison. Sea anemones don't sting them because their saliva is based on sugar rather than protein so the sea anemones doesn't see it as a threat and they become immune to their host sea anemone.

The TDM team

Monday, 16 May 2011

Our New Poll

The new TDM Poll is up and running the question is:
"What is your favorite marine animal?"
Go on pick one! For pictures just click on our "What is your favorite marine animal?" page. If you want to share your opinions just comment and it could swing the vote in your animals favor!

The TDM Team

Sunday, 15 May 2011

The Poll is closed!

The poll is closed and the results are in!

Peregrine Falcon
  1 (12.5%)
Golden eagle
  1 (12.5%)
Red Kite
  2 (25%)
  4 (50%)

So its a rampant victory for the Goshawk!

Image from RSPB images 
For more information on all the birds in the poll click this link:

The TDM Team

Saturday, 14 May 2011

Manx Shearwater

Did you know that 90% of the Manx Shearwater population live on a few remote British islands! The first people to encounter these birds were marauding vikings, they were scared off by the weird noises the birds make! Also their chicks are so fat and full of fish oil that they were used to burn oil lamps, horrible! Another fact is that they are so scared of predators and humans that they never land on their nest islands in daytime, never!

                                                                          (Image from RSPB images)

The TDM Team

Thursday, 12 May 2011

One Long Snake

 The worlds longest snake was a reticulated python that was 32 feet 9 1/2 inches long. Wow one massive snake!

The TDM Team

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

The Barreleye

The Barreleye has a transparent dome shaped head to protect its eyes from jellyfishes stinging tentacles. It steals food from jellyfishes!

The TDM Team

Star-Nosed Mole

Star-nosed moles are easily identified by the eleven pairs of pink fleshy appendages around their snout which are used as a touch organ with more than 25,000 sensory receptors!

The TDM Team

Amazonian Fact

The Amazon Rainforest covers over a billion acres. If Amazonia was a country, it would be the ninth largest in the world!

The  TDM Team

Monday, 9 May 2011

Tawny Owl

The Tawny Owl is one of the nosiest creatures of the night but did you know it is only the size of a pigeon! No, they're not very big! For more information please visit:  

The TDM Team

Did You Know?

There are more than 300'000 species of beetles! They are the largest order of insects in the world!

The TDM Team

Sunday, 8 May 2011

Great White Sharks

Great White Sharks have up to 300 serrated teeth! They have organs that can sense the tiny electromagnetic fields around animals. However it must be remember that these sharks are more fearsome in our imaginations than in reality.

The TDM Team

Saturday, 7 May 2011

Silent Flying

Did you know that barn owls can fly silently? Well, you do now. Barn Owl's huge 42" wingspan means that they can fly slowly, making less noise, and also they have soft fringe-edged feathers that don't make a sound. Perfect for sneaking up on prey!

The TDM Team

The Blue Whale

The Blue whale can be over 33m long! Its is also the largest ever animal and the biggest mammal! Imagine swimming with one of those!

The TDM Team

New Poll

"What is your favorite Bird of Prey." That is the question. Four birds have been nominated. So choose one. For more information please click this link
Please remember to vote!

The TDM Team

Friday, 6 May 2011

Did you know?

Flies can taste with their feet!

The TDM Team


There are 8,240 species of reptiles in the world. Wow thats alot of reptiles!

The TDM Team

The Poll is closed!!!

The Results are in...

In first place... The Blue Tit with 3 votes!

In second place... The Robin with 2 votes!

In joint third place... The Great Spotted Woodpecker and The Goldfinch with one vote!

The TDM Team

Thursday, 5 May 2011

Glowing Insects

Living scorpions reflect ultraviolet light and can glow with an eerie greenish colour when exposed to UV light, no matter what colour they appear under normal lighting conditions. Wow glow in the dark insects!

The TDM Team

Wednesday, 4 May 2011


Only one day left to vote!

The Heaviest Elephant

The heaviest ever recorded elephant weighed 11'000 KG! This adult male was a whole meter taller than the average elephant. Elephants are the largest land animals living on earth at the moment they have no natural predators (lions may take week elephant or a calf) their main predator is us.

The TDM Team


Hummingbirds are the only type of bird that can fly backwards! They can hover in mid-air by rapidly flapping their wings 12–90 times per second depending on the species. They can also fly at speeds faster then 15 m/s!
Wow fantastic flying!

The TDM Team

A Tall Creature

The Giraffe grows from 4.3 to 5.2 meters approximately. They use their hight to eat leaves from the topmost branches of trees where other animals can't reach.

The TDM Team

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Poison Dart Frogs

Poison Dart Frogs are 1.5 to 6 centimeters long however the most poisonous of these frogs (The Golden Poison Frog) has enough toxin (on average) to kill ten to twenty men! (The rough equivalent of ten thousand mice!)

The TDM Team 

Monday, 2 May 2011

How Fast Does Bamboo Grow?

Bamboo has been measured growing upwards as fast as 100cm in a 24-hour period. Thats a lot of growing!

The TDM Team

Dear Readers

Thank you very much for reading our blog. We have reached 100 page views.

 The TDM Team

Sunday, 1 May 2011