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The TDM is a member of the Heron Nature Museum Society

Saturday, 22 October 2011

The Badger

European Badger
Badgers are omnivores. They live underground in a network of tunnels called a set. Sometimes these sets are shared with foxes. They have very special jaws that are almost impossible to dislocate meaning that it can maintain its hold on prey with great tenacity but this limits its jaw movements. The Honey Badger of Africa is a vicious predator that eats venomous snakes as well as honey and porcupines!

Honey Badger

European badgers are fond of peanut butter but should not be used to attract them as they may react badly to humans.


Sunday, 16 October 2011

The Kestrel

Kestrel Hovering (from RSPB) 

Kestrels are dynamic predators that feed on small mammals and other birds. They have a wingspan of 60-65cm. A male is called a tercel  and a female is called a falcon. They are not fast or powerful fliers but have the ability to hover for long periods of time.

They live in most habitats but they do not like dense forests, treeless wetlands and mountains.