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The TDM is a member of the Heron Nature Museum Society

Sunday, 16 October 2011

The Kestrel

Kestrel Hovering (from RSPB) 

Kestrels are dynamic predators that feed on small mammals and other birds. They have a wingspan of 60-65cm. A male is called a tercel  and a female is called a falcon. They are not fast or powerful fliers but have the ability to hover for long periods of time.

They live in most habitats but they do not like dense forests, treeless wetlands and mountains.


  1. hello tom nice too see you've kept your blog up to date unlike the norwich section of the HMNS!

  2. (you may want to add this on,although the kestrel appears to hover it isn't . its just flying forward at exactly the same speed as the wind is blowing backwards.It is truly pretty clever

  3. Hi TDM Team. Saw a sparrow hawk today battling a very strong wind. Incredible to watch it work.

  4. Wow! Sounds amazing.

    The TDM Team
